regex di ricerca: '!sed\,[[^]]+] +Reiner +Fuellmich( +🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺)?|ReinerFuellmich[a-z0-9/]*|-*@RFuellmich,Id;/Füllmich|Fuellmich/Ip' titoli nei canali Telegram al - Fri Oct 18 09:42:02 UTC 2024

Indice temi di ricerca: da blog/canali info | da canali Telegram

[1 - 17.Oct.2024] Comicost International
♦ [link] YouTube FUELLMICH IN PERICOLO? LE DRAMMATICHE PAROLE DAL CARCERE - 1 Minute News oppure clicca sul tasto ABBONATI sotto un qualunque dei nostri video
comlibcost/2371 --@ComiCost ;

[2 - 16.Oct.2024] Border Nights (ufficiale)
♦ FUELLMICH IN PERICOLO? LE DRAMMATICHE PAROLE DAL CARCERE - 1 Minute News by Border Nights via YouTube [link] FUELLMICH IN PERICOLO? LE DRAMMATICHE P ... (+8 linee, +351 car)
BorderNightsOfficial/3035 --@BoNi ;

[1 - 15.Oct.2024] MITTDOLCINO.COM Channel
♦ I nazisti sono tornati In Germania. Sono rimasti dove li avevano lasciati. Il caso Fuellmich spiegato coi metodi Metodi nazisti [link]
mittdolcino/27231 --@mittdol ;

[1 - 23.Sep.2024]
♦ Am 22. September 2022 hat das Gespräch zwischen RAin Katja Wörmer und mir zum Prozess von Reiner Fuellmich bei Roger Bittel stattgefunden. Viele Punkte konnten in einer sachlichen Atmosphäre mit RAin Wörmer diskutiert werden. Kurz vor Ende des Gesprächs wurde Roger Bittel gleichsam aus dem Nichts heraus unsachlich und sagte, er glaube mir "kein Wort". Dies ist erstaunlich, da sich RAin Wörmer und ich an vielen Punkten in inhaltlicher... (+70 linee, 4907 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1488 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 21.Sep.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ sabato 21 settembre 2024 alle 20,30 sul canale PIAZZA LIBERTA' condotto da Armando Manocchia [link] Reiner Fuellmich, una sentenza già scritta Puntata con Maria Heibel e Seba Terribilini dopo la 31a Udienza dell’Avvocato Reiner Fuellmich, prigioniero politico a casa sua. [link]... (+12 linee, 648 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/10104 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 20.Sep.2024]
♦ Reiner Fuellmichs Verteidigerin Katja Wörmer hat heute abseits der Prozesses in Göttingen mitgeteilt, dass sie von uns nicht zum runden Tisch zum Prozess von Reiner Fuellmich eingeladen worden sei. Das stimmt nicht, sie hat schon vor drei Tagen, am Abend des 17.09.2024, von Frank Grossenbach eine entsprechende Einladung via Telegram erhalten und diese auch geöffnet. Vielleicht war sie dabei aber abgelenkt. Wir haben nun... (+14 linee, 1115 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1486 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 18.Sep.2024]
♦ Anklündigung CORONA-AUSSCHUSS-AUSSCHUSS Statt am vergangenen Mittwoch als Zeugin im Prozess gegen Reiner Fuellmich vernommen zu werden, hatte ich eine lange Unterredung mit diversen Prozessbesuchern. Dabei habe ich angeregt, dass wir eine gemeinsame Timeline der Geschehnisse erstellen, so dass die Fakten für alle nachvollziehbar auf dem Tisch liegen und das ganze Verwirrspiel über... (+35 linee, 2263 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1485 --@CoAus ;

[2 - 17.Sep.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 7:20 [media] [v. in T] A new statement from Dr. Reiner Füllmich on current world events, the situation in the prison and the prospects for a positive future ...💥🔥📣💬📬❤️ #freeReiner... (+18 linee, 789 car. tot)
ICICommittee/860 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 15.Sep.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ LA LOTTA PER LA LIBERTÀ DI REINER FUELLMICH SIGNIFICA MOLTO, MOLTO DI PIÙ La copertura generalmente molto tendenziosa e denigratoria dell’arresto e delle accuse da parte dei media ( anche quelli alternativi) ha fatto sì che la maggior parte dei “cercatori di verità” abbia spento sul nascere l’interesse a verificare l’accuratezza di quanto riportato. Ci sono voluti mesi prima che si diffondessero le prime notizie sulle... (+11 linee, 784 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/10067 --@NoGeoN ;

[2 - 15.Sep.2024] Dr. BARBARA BALANZONI (qui doc, video, audio,foto)
♦ Federico MELE Presenta (Présente) Presents Comunicato del 10 settembre 2024 del Dr . Reiner Fuellmich in italiano, francese, inglese, tedesco, spagnolo, portoghese ed arabo Communiqué du 10 septembre 2024 du Dr. Reiner Fuellmich en italien, français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, portugais et arabe Press release dated September 10, 2024 from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in... (+23 linee, 1513 car. tot)
drbarbarabalanzoni/18434 --@BaBalanz ;

[4 - 12.Sep.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Ieri l'ennesimo rifiuto di sentire i testimoni della difesa, vogliono condannare Reiner Fuellmich, le parole del giudice erano chiare.
NogeoingegneriaNews/10046 --@NoGeoN ;

[3 - 12.Sep.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Upate Reiner Füllmich 🔹 Impressionen vom 30. Verhandlungstag, 11.9.2024 Vielen Dank an Kerstin Heusinger 💐 👇👇👇👇👇 Für mehr Infos, Kanal abonnieren: [link]... (+14 linee, 608 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/10047 --@NoGeoN ;

[2 - 12.Sep.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ [link] Thepetitionsite petition: Lawfare: Concerned petitioners urge fair treatment of political prisoner Reiner Fuellmich Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich is receiving extremely harsh and atypical treatment from German officials while being held in German prison... (+9 linee, 533 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/10048 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 11.Sep.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ [link] Thepetitionsite petition: Lawfare: Concerned petitioners urge fair treatment of political prisoner Reiner Fuellmich Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich is receiving extremely harsh and atypical treatment from German officials while being held in German prison... (+9 linee, 563 car. tot)
ICICommittee/846 --@ICInvCo ;

[5 - 11.Sep.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 30th day of trial on September 11, 2024 in the matter of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court Brief info - that means a more or less short summary of what happened in the courtroom today, which does not claim to be comprehensive or could be in this format. This contribution from "We are Greek- What's your Superpower?" is for... (+19 linee, 1143 car. tot)
ICICommittee/847 --@ICInvCo ;

[3 - 11.Sep.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Committee 1:03:56 [media] [v. in T] 9/11, UFO False Flags & Free Energy – Part 1 In this first of a three part episode ofICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks... (+20 linee, 914 car. tot)
ICICommittee/849 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 11.Sep.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Committee 58:00 [media] [v. in T] 9/11, UFO False Flags & Free Energy – Part 3 In this third and final episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and British... (+21 linee, 1018 car. tot)
ICICommittee/851 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 10.Sep.2024] Comicost International
♦ [link] Come Don Chisciotte LA STORIA DEL DR. REINER FUELLMICH: UN PRIGIONIERO POLITICO - Come Don Chisciotte Da Robert W Malone – — Scritto da Cynthia Salatino e Seba Terribilini Il noto avvocato Reiner Fuellmich è detenuto in condizioni... (+10 linee, 588 car. tot)
comlibcost/2352 --@ComiCost ;

[7 - 8.Sep.2024] V_V - 2°ch - INFO IMPORTANTI
♦ Avvocato dr. Reiner Fuellmich "prigioniero politico" [link] Imola Oggi Avvocato dr. Reiner Fuellmich "prigioniero politico" • Imola Oggi Le principali domande alle quali Fuellmich e il suo team cercano di dare una risposta sono:
vvincvvv/55878 --@vvincvvv ;

[1 - 7.Sep.2024] V_V
♦ Avvocato dr. Reiner Fuellmich "prigioniero politico" [link] Imola Oggi Avvocato dr. Reiner Fuellmich "prigioniero politico" • Imola Oggi Le principali domande alle quali Fuellmich e il suo team cercano di dare una risposta sono:
vvvvvinc/43153 --@vvvvvinc ;

[2 - 6.Sep.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 💥🟦🟥 DOSSIER MANIPULATION /COVID : L'INJUSTICE POUR REINER FUELLMICH La vaccination FAIT PARTIE DE L'AGENDA DES ÉTATS ! Et ceux qui dénoncent, comme l'avocat Reiner Fuellmich, finissent par être traités comme des criminels... ➡️🇨🇵 ARTICLE : La persécution de Reiner Fuellmich, prisonnier politique... (+42 linee, 2596 car. tot)
ICICommittee/843 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 5.Sep.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ [link] The Truth Barrier The Unjust And Evil Prosecution Of Reiner Fuellmich: A Guest Essay By Joseph Molitorisz, PhD Friend and Colleague, Former ICIC Co-Host With Reiner
ICICommittee/842 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 4.Sep.2024] Josef stern💪 informazioni libere.
♦ 1:41 [media] [v. in T] ➡️- “Macron, von der Leyen e questi politici mediocri sono psicopatici e sociopatici megalomani” – Reiner Fuellmich "Avrebbero dovuto essere arrestati molto tempo fa", protesta l'avvocato... (+23 linee, 1267 car. tot)
JosefSternInformazioniLibere/29546 --@JSternIL ;

[22 - 4.Sep.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Nogeoingegneria Reiner Fuellmich, in stato di carcerazione preventiva in un carcere di massima sicurezza, oggi alla 24° udienza farsa, è una moderna inquisizione per processare, mediante un tribunale speciale e con le interpretazioni più creative delle leggi che ledono i… [link]... (+15 linee, 962 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/10000 --@NoGeoN ;

[3 - 4.Sep.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ [link] PLEASE CROSSPOST THE FULL VIDEO ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR INTERNATIONAL REACH A German legal scandal demands international attention: The case of Dr. Reiner Füllmich. This lawyer, who dared to challenge the official coronavirus narrative, is uncovering severe abuses within the German legal system. Abducted in Mexico and forcibly brought to Germany,... (+22 linee, 1474 car. tot)
ICICommittee/839 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 4.Sep.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Der politische Gefangene Reiner Fuellmich bekommt internationale Aufmerksamkeit. ► Artikel (engl.) »The Persecution of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. A POLITICAL PRISONER« [Die Verfolgung von Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – EIN POLITISCHER GEFANGENER], Who is Robert Malone?, 3. September 2024... (+50 linee, 3031 car. tot)
ICICommittee/840 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 2.Sep.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ La qualità tecnica di questa ultima dichiarazione di Reiner Füllmich - in carcere in Germania da 11 mesi - non è buona, ma il contenuto è molto importante. Füllmich ha ora trovato i documenti ben nascosti che dimostrano che la sua persecuzione è stata avviata dal Servizio di Sicurezza dello Stato. [link] YouTube... (+16 linee, 928 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9977 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 2.Sep.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ ‼️ Dear friends, supporters and companions ‼️ Tomorrow's court date has just been canceled by the presiding judge, Judge Schindler, due to the bereavement of Reiner's mother. He asked the defense to express his condolences to Dr. Reiner Füllmich. The next trial day will take place on Friday, September 6, 2024 at 9:15 a.m.... (+20 linee, 1013 car. tot)
ICICommittee/836 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 2.Sep.2024]
♦ Wichtige Information zur Aussage von RA Ivan Künnemann im Prozess gegen Reiner Füllmich: RA Künnemann hat vor Gericht mitgeteilt, dass er im Herbst 2022 von mir mandatiert worden sei. Konkret war dies der 27. September 2022. RA Künnemann stand bei seiner Aussage vor Gericht unter dem Eindruck, dass ich erst aufgrund seiner Beratung mit der Rückführung der... (+65 linee, 4383 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1480 --@CoAus ;

[11 - 1.Sep.2024] V_V - 2°ch - INFO IMPORTANTI
♦ Lo stato di diritto ha cambiato pelle senza toccare le costituzioni: le libertà sono tali solo nel potere, non indipendentemente da esso. Il caso dell’avv. Reiner Fuellmich La denuncia arriva da Daniele Trabucco. Parlando del caso di detenzione in isolamento dell’avv. Reiner Fuellmich, che, con un team di oltre 1.000 avvocati e più di 10.000 esperti medici, ha avviato la più grande causa... (+15 linee, 1062 car. tot)
vvincvvv/55460 --@vvincvvv ;

[2 - 30.Aug.2024] MITTDOLCINO.COM Channel
♦ COSA E' SUCCESSO ALL'AVVOCATO FUELLMICH? - SEBA TERRIBILINI by Border Nights via YouTube [link] COSA E' SUCCESSO ALL'AVVOCATO FUELLMICH? - SEBA TERRIBILINISe ti piace Border Nights ABBONATI su [link] singola Paypal: [link] [link]... (+14 linee, 711 car. tot)
mittdolcino/26509 --@mittdolcino ;

[1 - 30.Aug.2024] Nogeoingegneria
NogeoingegneriaNews/9957 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 29.Aug.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ [link] YouTube COSA E' SUCCESSO ALL'AVVOCATO FUELLMICH? - SEBA TERRIBILINI COSA E' SUCCESSO ALL'AVVOCATO FUELLMICH? - SEBA TERRIBILINI Se ti piace Border Nights ABBONATI su [link] Donazione singola Paypal: (+9 linee, 497 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9956 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 27.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 7:14 [media] [v. in T] Interview with Dr. Fuellmich's lawyer Katja Wörmer on the 26th day of the trial on 23.08.2024 before the Göttingen Regional Court with English translation.... (+19 linee, 797 car. tot)
ICICommittee/818 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 25.Aug.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Foto: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. e Reiner Fuellmich Ospite di Robert Kennedy Jr. Reiner Füllmichs dal carcere,15 luglio 2024 Come procuratore generale, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. potrebbe garantire che la plandemia venga affrontata davvero. Dopo tutto, ha scritto il libro “The Real Anthony Fauci” (nota: già tradotto in greco e in rumeno).... (+15 linee, 963 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9923 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 25.Aug.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Nogeoingegneria Foto: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. e Reiner Fuellmich Ospite di Robert Kennedy Jr. Reiner Füllmichs dal carcere,15 luglio 2024 Come procuratore generale, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. potrebbe garantire che la plandemia venga affrontata davvero. Dopo tutto, ha scritto… Ho partecipato alla mia prima convention democratica all’età di sei anni,... (+25 linee, 1630 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9929 --@NoGeoN ;

[7 - 25.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Comment One question: Could these weighty contacts of Füllmich, his expertise, his work, which he had already begun in collaboration with Children's Health Defense, also be a reason to silence him? Αλκμήνη for... (+9 linee, 513 car. tot)
ICICommittee/807 --@ICInvCo ;

[6 - 25.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 26th day of trial on August 23, 2024 in the matter of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court Brief information - this means a more or less brief summary of what happened in the courtroom today, which does not claim to be comprehensive or complete in this format. The following statements will be written as soon as possible by the... (+34 linee, 2171 car. tot)
ICICommittee/808 --@ICInvCo ;

[3 - 25.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Part 4 Money to which Reiner Füllmich is legally entitled In the second part of the hearing, there was also the opportunity to show the witness Prof. Martin Schwab an email he had written to Reiner Füllmich in spring 2023, in which he had written "Since I do not want to expose myself to the accusation of having... (+33 linee, 2188 car. tot)
ICICommittee/811 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 25.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 14:11 [media] [v. in T] A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich regarding the court proceeding before the Göttingen Regional Court, his personal situation and on current world events. 🌎💡📮💬📣... (+17 linee, 680 car. tot)
ICICommittee/813 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 24.Aug.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Nogeoingegneria Reiner Fuellmich, in stato di carcerazione preventiva in un carcere di massima sicurezza, oggi alla 24° udienza farsa, è una moderna inquisizione per processare, mediante un tribunale speciale e con le interpretazioni più creative delle leggi che ledono i… [link]... (+15 linee, 911 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9916 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 23.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Committee 1:37:26 [media] [v. in T] In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host attorney Dagmar Schoen have a detailed conversation with Jason Christoff, health coach,... (+22 linee, 999 car. tot)
ICICommittee/800 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 21.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Lawyer Katja Wörmer reported in detail about Dr. Reiner Fuellmich''s case at the Axion Resist press conference. #freeReiner [link] ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ Support for Reiner/ Υποστήριξη για τον Reiner/Die Möglichkeit, Reiner zu... (+23 linee, 1033 car. tot)
ICICommittee/798 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 20.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 6:15 [media] [v. in T] A new statement from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on current world events and the situation in Göttingen ...💥🔥📣💬📬 #freeReiner... (+18 linee, 758 car. tot)
ICICommittee/795 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 18.Aug.2024] IL GIUSNATURALISTA
♦ L'ANGOLO DEL GIUSNATURALISTA: [link] Imola Oggi PIAZZA LIBERTA’, puntata di sabato 17 agosto 2024 • Imola Oggi REINER FUELLMICH E’ SOTTO INQUISIZIONE. PIAZZA LIBERTÀ, puntata di sabato 17 agosto 2024
Giusnaturalista/6947 --@GiusN ;

[1 - 17.Aug.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Reiner Fuellmich, in stato di carcerazione preventiva in un carcere di massima sicurezza, oggi alla 24° udienza farsa, è una moderna inquisizione per processare, mediante un tribunale speciale e con le interpretazioni più creative delle leggi che ledono i diritti umani ed esulano dallo stato di diritto, in un paese che si dice democratico. Ne parliamo con... (+14 linee, 904 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9885 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 16.Aug.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ SCRIVE:" La sua detenzione (di Reiner Fuellmich) ha suscitato una vasta mobilitazione dell’opinione pubblica sia in Germania che all’estero, dove il suo caso è diventato un simbolo di una più ampia lotta per la libertà di espressione e la giustizia legale." Questo purtroppo non è (ancora) così. [link]... (+13 linee, 803 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9872 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 16.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 10:38 [media] [v. in T] Interview with lawyer Katja Wörmer and journalist Kerstin Heusinger on the 24th day of the trial on 14.08.2024 in the matter of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court.... (+19 linee, 830 car. tot)
ICICommittee/792 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 14.Aug.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ PRIGIONIERI POLITICI: IL CASO DI REINER FUELLMICH RIGUARDA TUTTI NOI 👉PIAZZA LIBERTÀ, il programma di informazione e approfondimento condotto da Armando Manocchia, ritorna mercoledì 14 agosto 2024 [link] Imola Oggi PIAZZA LIBERTA’ ritorna mercoledì 14 agosto 2024 • Imola Oggi... (+11 linee, 701 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9864 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 14.Aug.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Reiner Fuellmich intervista CĂLIN GEORGESCU [link] NoGeoingegneria | Portale contro le manipolazioni climatiche ed ambientali L’EX DIRETTORE ESECUTIVO DELLE NAZIONI UNITE CĂLIN GEORGESCU: GLI OLIGARCHI POSSIEDONO L’ONU | NoGeoingegneria Scoprite in questa intervista rivelatrice l'ex direttore esecutivo delle... (+11 linee, 758 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9867 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 14.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 10:00 [media] [v. in T] Spontanversammlung vor dem Göttinger Landgericht am heutigen 24. Verhandlungstag in Sachen Dr. Reiner Füllmich. Thema: Mündlichkeits- und Öffentlichkeitsprinzip!... (+22 linee, 996 car. tot)
ICICommittee/790 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 7.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 7:07 [media] [v. in T] A current message from Dr. Reiner Füllmich on the ongoing process and current world events. 💥💪💬📣❤️ ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️... (+15 linee, 595 car. tot)
ICICommittee/784 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 7.Aug.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ In this interview, journalists and trial observers Djamila le Pair and Kerstin Heusinger report on the 23rd day of the trial against Dr. Reiner Fuellmich at Göttingen Regional Court, which took place on 6 August 2024. #freeReiner [link] ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️... (+23 linee, 1021 car. tot)
ICICommittee/786 --@ICInvCo ;

[3 - 25.Jul.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 3:22 [media] [v. in T] A current Statement from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich with a clear message. 💥💪💬📣❤️ #freeReiner ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️... (+15 linee, 582 car. tot)
ICICommittee/767 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 25.Jul.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Special music tip from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich 🎼👍 #freeReiner [link] ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ @icic_law_official @icic_law_news... (+20 linee, 762 car. tot)
ICICommittee/768 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 21.Jul.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ RF_press_release_trial_ day_20_19072024_english.pdf 143.1 KB Press release on the previous trial day on July 19th 2024 in the matter of Dr Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court. ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ @icic_law_official... (+14 linee, 644 car. tot)
ICICommittee/764 --@ICInvCo ;

[4 - 17.Jul.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 14:11 [media] [v. in T] A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich regarding the court proceeding before the Göttingen Regional Court, his personal situation and on current world events. 🌎💡📮💬📣... (+17 linee, 680 car. tot)
ICICommittee/758 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 16.Jul.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ RF_Press-Information-Traildays-18-19.pdf 138 KB Press release on the two previous trial days on 10 and 12 July 2024 in the matter of Dr Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court. ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ @icic_law_official... (+14 linee, 641 car. tot)
ICICommittee/757 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 15.Jul.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 1:30 [media] [v. in T] A new, personal statement from Dr. Reiner Füllmich on the current situation.📮💬📣 #freeReiner... (+18 linee, 616 car. tot)
ICICommittee/756 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 20.Jun.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ No more words are needed! Thanks to Elke for the new banner for the vigil for Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, which takes place every Thursday at 11 a.m. in front of the prison in Rosdorf. 💪💥✅❤️ #freeReiner #neverforget... (+17 linee, 693 car. tot)
ICICommittee/718 --@ICInvCo ;

♦ 12:09 [media] [v. in T] 🗣 Una nuova dichiarazione del Dr. Reiner Fuellmich sugli ultimi eventi nei procedimenti giudiziari davanti al tribunale regionale di Göttingen e sugli eventi mondiali attuali.... (+11 linee, 604 car. tot)
consenso_disinformato/36790 --@ConDis ;

[1 - 16.Jun.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 12:10 [media] [v. in T] A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the latest events in the court proceedings before the Göttingen Regional Court and on current world events. 🌎💡📮💬📣... (+17 linee, 671 car. tot)
ICICommittee/716 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 11.Jun.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ TRANSLATION TRIAL REPORT 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇭🇲 Newsflash on the 16th day of proceedings in the Reiner Füllmich case at Göttingen Regional Court on June 10, 2024 Life jacket Today's 16th day of proceedings in the Reiner Füllmich case at Göttingen Regional Court has so far been characterized by a large contingent of... (+26 linee, 1689 car. tot)
ICICommittee/712 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 11.Jun.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ TRANSLATION TRIAL REPORT 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇭🇲 Part 2 On the 16th day of proceedings in the Reiner Füllmich case at Göttingen Regional Court on June 10, 2024 Will to live After the lunch break on the 16th day of the trial in the case of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court, the motions to extend... (+23 linee, 1463 car. tot)
ICICommittee/713 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 9.Jun.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ REINER FUELLMICH PRIGIONIERO POLITCO Reiner Fuellmich è un avvocato noto in Germania per aver condotto battaglie legali “omeriche” contro Deutsche Bank e Volkswagen in difesa degli interessi dei cittadini e dei consumatori. Grazie a queste competenze è stato coinvolto nella gestione della crisi COVID in Germania e poi in tutto il mondo, riunendo diversi professionisti legali e scientifici. Da più di 7 mesi è rinchiuso in... (+22 linee, 1540 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9434 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 2.Jun.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ [link] Substack REINER FUELLMICH BROUGHT TO A MASSIVE PROTEST IN GENEVA THROUGH THE WORDS OF ASTRID STUCKELBERGER There’s been a protest in Geneva, a massive crowd in front of the United Nations Headquarters to protest against the UN and the WHO. The words of... (+9 linee, 604 car. tot)
ICICommittee/707 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 30.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 8:47 [media] [v. in T] A current statement of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich regarding the situation of the trial. 📮 #freeReiner... (+16 linee, 581 car. tot)
ICICommittee/706 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 22.May.2024]
♦ Liebe Unterstützer vom Corona-Ausschuss, ich mache mir Sorgen darüber, ob Reiner Fuellmich vollumfänglich professionell vor Gericht vertreten wird. Eine unprofessionelle Vertretung mindert die Chancen in einem Strafverfahren natürlich ungemein. Warum sage ich das? Reiner Fuellmich behauptet weiterhin vor Gericht Dinge, die nachweislich nicht stimmen. Und zumindest seine Verteidigung weiss dies auch durch die Aktenlage. Reiner... (+26 linee, 2026 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1435 --@CoAus ;

[3 - 16.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ UPDATE. CHARGES FILED AGAINST THE ILLEGAL TREATMENT OF REINER FUELLMICH ON THE WEEKEND OF HIS BIRTHDAY (MAY 3-6, 2024) Thank you, Elsa, thank you, Gabriele. ❤️ [link] #freeReiner ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️... (+24 linee, 1187 car. tot)
ICICommittee/681 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 16.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 2:09 [media] [v. in T] "It's totally unacceptable that Julian Assange and Reiner Fuellmich are in prison," declares André Bercoff, Sud Radio's star journalist, at the 150th Independent Scientific Council on May 8, 2024 in Saintes, France.... (+19 linee, 856 car. tot)
ICICommittee/682 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 15.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's current Statement with French translation as voice over. 👍 Please share! ✅ Merci bien. ❤️ #freeReiner [link] ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ Support for Reiner/ Υποστήριξη για τον Reiner/Die Möglichkeit, Reiner zu... (+21 linee, 990 car. tot)
ICICommittee/676 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 13.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's last interview before his arrest was with David Icke. Part 2 was scheduled. [link] #freeReiner ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ Support for Reiner/ Υποστήριξη για τον Reiner/Die Möglichkeit, Reiner zu... (+19 linee, 822 car. tot)
ICICommittee/674 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 12.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ The political trial against civil rights activist Dr Reiner Füllmich reveals the motives and behaviour of a compromised constitutional state. Open violation of the law and legal trickery are intended to secure the conviction of Dr Füllmich. The misconduct of the public prosecutor’s office and judges is documented. So is the involvement of malicious third parties. They are part of the conspiracy against the investigator, who has... (+26 linee, 1315 car. tot)
ICICommittee/670 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 11.May.2024] Buffonate di Stato
♦ 6:50 [media] [v. in T] Il 7 Maggio ha avuto luogo la 14° giornata di processo a Reiner Fuellmich presso il tribunale di Gottinga e il suo avvocato Katja Wömer ci aggiorna sui risvolti.... (+20 linee, 1216 car. tot)
buffonatedistato/7736 --@BdS ;

[1 - 11.May.2024] V_V - 2°ch - INFO IMPORTANTI
♦ 6:50 [media] [v. in T] Il 7 Maggio ha avuto luogo la 14° giornata di processo a Reiner Fuellmich presso il tribunale di Gottinga e il suo avvocato Katja Wömer ci aggiorna sui risvolti.... (+20 linee, 1195 car. tot)
vvincvvv/47588 --@vvincvvv ;

[3 - 10.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 🇩🇪 14.Verhandlungstag in Sachen Reiner Füllmich vor dem Landgericht Göttingen, 7.5.2024 Tag der Anträge und Stellungnahmen Teil 1 Deutsch 🇬🇷 14η δικάσιμος στην υπόθεση Ράινερ Φίλμιχ στο περιφερειακό δικαστήριο... (+45 linee, 2563 car. tot)
ICICommittee/661 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 9.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Share all over the World! #freeReiner [link] ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ Support for Dr. Reiner Füllmich You can find the possibility to support Reiner Füllmich 👉HERE:... (+23 linee, 965 car. tot)
ICICommittee/660 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 9.May.2024]
♦ Reiner Fuellmich ist leider einer Fake-E-Mail aufgesessen, die er gestern im Gerichtssaal als angeblich authentisch verlesen hat. Ich finde das sehr schade, weil es seine Glaubwürdigkeit nicht gerade stärkt. Ich hatte den Fake bereits im Oktober 2023 in einem Artikel aufgedeckt. Urheberin der Fake-Mail soll eine angebliche ehemalige Kommilitonin von mir von der Uni Freiburg sein, die sich Piera Dalla Riva zu Deutsch „Stein vom Ufer“... (+38 linee, 2820 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1433 --@CoAus ;

[2 - 8.May.2024] V_V - 2°ch - INFO IMPORTANTI
♦ 🔥🇩🇪 Causa Avv. REINER FUELLMICH ‼️️ EVENTI INCREDIBILI NELLA PRIGIONE DI ROSDORF DA VENERDI SCORSO ‼️ L'avvocato Katja Wörmer parla dell'attuale scandaloso procedimento nel carcere di Rosdorf contro il dottor Reiner Fuellmich: isolamento e divieto di contatto con i suoi avvocati a seguito di una denuncia diffamatoria contro X!... (+42 linee, 2566 car. tot)
vvincvvv/47369 --@vvincvvv ;

[3 - 8.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 6:36 [media] [v. in T] Lawyer Katja Wörmer's statement on the 14th day of the trial in the matter of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court. English subtitles.... (+20 linee, 767 car. tot)
ICICommittee/656 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 8.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Share all over the World! #freeReiner [link] ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ Support for Dr. Reiner Füllmich You can find the possibility to support Reiner Füllmich 👉HERE:... (+21 linee, 862 car. tot)
ICICommittee/657 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 8.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Share all over the World! #freeReiner [link] ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ Support for Dr. Reiner Füllmich You can find the possibility to support Reiner Füllmich 👉HERE:... (+19 linee, 717 car. tot)
ICICommittee/658 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 8.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 13:30 [media] [v. in T] Lawyer Katja Wörmer's report on the unbelievable events in Rosdorf Prison, shortly before Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's birthday, which he had to spend in solitary confinement! He was even denied contact with his lawyer and his... (+30 linee, 1377 car. tot)
ICICommittee/659 --@ICInvCo ;

[3 - 7.May.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Reiner Fuellmich sta languendo in prigione e la scena alternativa non gli presta quasi attenzione. Questo ricorda Assange e la sua storia prima che gli venisse prestata attenzione. [link] Technocracy News Reiner Fuellmich Speaks Out From Prison In Germany... (+12 linee, 775 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/9165 --@NoGeoN ;

[2 - 7.May.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Reiner Fuellmich ha trascorso il suo compleanno il 5 maggio 2024 in isolamento, tagliato fuori da ogni contatto, anche con i suoi avvocati e la moglie. Domenica si è tenuta davanti alla prigione una manifestazione in occasione del compleanno di Fuellmich. Presente ca 300 persone. Auguri e saluti da parte di Michael Yeadon e sua moglie.
NogeoingegneriaNews/9166 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 7.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ ‼️️ DES ÉVÉNEMENTS INCROYABLES À LA PRISON DE ROSDORF DEPUIS VENDREDI DERNIER ‼️ Me Katja Wörmer parle de la procédure scandaleuse actuelle de la prison de Rosdorf contre le Dr Reiner Fuellmich : Isolement et interdiction de contact avec ses avocats suite à une plainte diffamatoire sur X ! Nous sommes choqués ! Les personnes impliquées vont avoir des comptes à... (+42 linee, 2641 car. tot)
ICICommittee/651 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 7.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 🇩🇪 ‼️ Eine schnelle Kurz-Info zum 14. Verhandlungstag heute, den 7.5.2024 ‼️ Das wichtigste zuerst: Dr. Reiner Füllmich geht es soweit gut. Rechtsanwältin Katja Wörmer war an seiner Seite. Die Verhandlung war heute geprägt von Anträgen und Stellungnahmen. Dazu folgen alsbald mehr und detailliertere Informationen.... (+36 linee, 2545 car. tot)
ICICommittee/655 --@ICInvCo ;

[10 - 5.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Reiner Füllmich wird heute 66 Jahre jung 🥳🍀🤩 wir gratulieren ganz herzlich zu seinem Geburtstag 🎈🎂🎁 und wünschen ihm nur das Allerbeste und dass er so schnell wie möglich wieder in Freiheit ist 🍾🥂🍷🍹🎷🎸🎼💐 🎉 🎊 ❤️💜🧡💛💚💙🖤🤍🤎
ICICommittee/635 --@ICInvCo ;

[9 - 5.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 1:36 [media] [v. in T] 🎁❌ RUNDER TISCH ❌🎁HAPPY BIRTHDAY REINER FUELLMICH‼️ALLES LIEBE UND GUTE VON UNS‼️DIE GERECHTIGKEIT WIRD AM ENDE SIEGEN‼️ 👉🏻 Studien, Urteile, Infos: (+10 linee, 564 car. tot)
ICICommittee/636 --@ICInvCo ;

[5 - 5.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Astrid Stückelberger message to Reiner Füllmich for his birthday 👇
ICICommittee/640 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 5.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ [link] Twitch Geburtstag Reiner Füllmich - 5.5.2024 - Teil 2 - bitteltv on Twitch Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.
ICICommittee/643 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 2.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Hallo zusammen! Wir möchten ganz herzlich Reiner Füllmich zu seinem Geburtstag 5.5. - 66 gratulieren. Bitte macht eine Video- oder Audiobotschaft in Deutsch oder Englisch (max. 1 Min.) Text und Bilder sind nicht möglich Falls Du noch jemanden kennst, welcher auch gerne gratulieren möchte, kannst du gerne den Einladungslink weiterleiten.... (+19 linee, 1078 car. tot)
ICICommittee/634 --@ICInvCo ;

[7 - 1.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 8:39 [media] [v. in T] A current summary of the last day of proceedings in the case of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court by lawyer Katja Wörmer. Support for Reiner: 👉HIER... (+15 linee, 615 car. tot)
ICICommittee/627 --@ICInvCo ;

[4 - 1.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ THE ARREST OF THE CITIZENS' LAWYER Dr. Reiner Füllmich TODAY LIVE (in french with german translation): Today, Tuesday, April 30, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., we will talk about the arrest and detention conditions of attorney Reiner Fuellmich. I have the pleasure of welcoming my friend Kerstin Heusinger and Reiner's lawyer Katja Woermer.... (+32 linee, 1597 car. tot)
ICICommittee/630 --@ICInvCo ;

[3 - 1.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ U P D A T E - Dr. Reiner Füllmich Here is the text version of the current statement by Dr. Reiner Füllmich. - the current developments in his defense - the successes in the international investigation of the current events - the RKI plandemic in the FRG - the protests against the genocide in GAZA and parallels to the protests... (+22 linee, 1029 car. tot)
ICICommittee/631 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 1.May.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Statement Dr. Reiner Fuellmich 29.04.2024 EN.pdf 107.4 KB
ICICommittee/632 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 28.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Dear friends, supporters and companions! ❤️ Gradually, the information about Reiner Füllmich's case will be translated into Greek by SocratesTVHellas on a voluntary basis and the videos will be subtitled in Greek accordingly. In this way we can extend the radius of reporting. Here is the statement from the 9th day of the trial by lawyer Dr. Miseré.👇... (+32 linee, 1784 car. tot)
ICICommittee/624 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 27.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 🇩🇪 Reiner Füllmich - Der Prozess Liste geplanter/übersetzter Videos auf YouTube 🇬🇷 Ράινερ Φίλμιχ - Η δίκη Κατάλογος σχεδιαζόμενων/μεταφρασμένων βίντεο στο YouTube 🇬🇧 Reiner Fuellmich - The Trial List of planned/translated videos at YouTube... (+40 linee, 1857 car. tot)
ICICommittee/623 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 28.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Further international reporting on the case of Dr. Reiner Füllmich. Weitere internationale Berichterstattung über den Fall Dr. Reiner Füllmich. Autre couverture internationale de l'affaire du Dr Reiner Füllmich. [link] [link]... (+23 linee, 1138 car. tot)
ICICommittee/625 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 23.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 4:10 [media] [v. in T] A current summary of the last day of proceedings in the case of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court by lawyer Katja Wörmer. Support for Reiner: 👉HIER... (+15 linee, 615 car. tot)
ICICommittee/621 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 15.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Der guten Ordnung halber hier die Übersetzung (Englisch und Griechisch) des Statements der Verteidigerin Rechtsanwältin Katja Wörmer vom 2. Verhandlungstag in Sachen Dr. Reiner Füllmich vor der Landgericht Göttingen. Bitte an alle Griechen und andere, die ihr kennt versenden, die das dann ebenfalls weiterleiten können, sodass Reiners Schicksal weltweit... (+53 linee, 3428 car. tot)
ICICommittee/611 --@ICInvCo ;

[3 - 14.Apr.2024] Guerrieri per la libertà
♦ 5:51 [media] [v. in T] Il rapimento illegale di Reiner Fuellmich Aggiornamento sul dottor Reiner Fuellmich: tre mesi di prigione e il conteggio.... (+20 linee, 983 car. tot)
guerrieriperlaliberta/30360 --@GuLib ;

[2 - 10.Apr.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Italiensch Füllmich.pdf 90.2 KB La cospirazione contro Reiner Füllmich Il dottor Fuellmich è in carcere in Germania da sei mesi. Il processo contro di lui è in corso. L'indagine sui fatti e gli interrogatori dei testimoni confermano le dichiarazioni del dottor Reiner Füllmich: i... (+15 linee, 899 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/8969 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 10.Apr.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Rapimento illegale e privazione di libertà Dopo il rapimento illegale di Füllmich dal Messico (a causa della mancanza di un mandato d'arresto internazionale, l'avvocato è stato arrestato all'aeroporto di Francoforte. Il rapimento è stato coordinato con le autorità messicane, che hanno accompagnato Füllmich nella RFT e lo hanno poi consegnato alla polizia della RFT), segue ora il secondo atto della... (+13 linee, 849 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/8970 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 9.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ The Fuellmich-Trial 👇‼️ Share the information, please. #freeReiner [link] [link] ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ @icic_law_official ... (+18 linee, 813 car. tot)
ICICommittee/607 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 8.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 5:09 [media] [v. in T] A current summary of the last two days of proceedings in the case of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court by lawyer Katja Wörmer.... (+16 linee, 640 car. tot)
ICICommittee/606 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 7.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 1:12:51 [media] [v. in T] A current interview with Dr. Reiner Füllmich's lawyer Katja Wörmer on the status quo of the trial. It was conducted by Peter Altmann from the YouTube channel O815, who also... (+17 linee, 742 car. tot)
ICICommittee/602 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 7.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 18:33 [media] [v. in T] Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's new statement regarding the current situation and the bombshell news‼️ 📣📫... (+15 linee, 581 car. tot)
ICICommittee/603 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 7.Apr.2024]
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS Antworten auf die Frage zum Ursprung des "Dossiers Reiner Fuellmich" - 2020 NEWS Am vergangenen Freitag, den 5. April 2024, kamen fristgerecht die Antworten vom Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, vom Bundesnachrichtendienst... (+10 linee, 607 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1416 --@CoAus ;

[4 - 6.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ BAM! News - Reiner Fuellmich, prisonnier politique? 1ère partie : un coup monté? #freeReiner [link] ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️ @icic_law_official ... (+18 linee, 853 car. tot)
ICICommittee/596 --@ICInvCo ;

[3 - 6.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ REINER FUELLMICH, PRISONNIER POLITIQUE ? partie 1 : UN COUP MONTÉ ? 💥 Révélation fracassante au procès Fuellmich: Ciblé par la police allemande, son inculpation reposerait sur une suite d’anomalies. Un futur scandale d’État ?... (+19 linee, 995 car. tot)
ICICommittee/597 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 6.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ ER Editor: We’ve kept in Celia Farber‘s title, re-publishing Elsa’s (at The Truth Summit substack account) original report in part, as it represents well what the actual conspiracy against Reiner Fuellmich has been aiming at. At least, that is where the evidence seems to be leading. Take him ‘out of his profession’ or take him out of public life? Perhaps both. He is certainly regarded as a political threat to the... (+18 linee, 929 car. tot)
ICICommittee/599 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 5.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 6:27 [media] [v. in T] 🔥🔥🔥 Das Miseré Interview mit englischem Untertitel! Teilt das in alle Himmelsrichtungen! Jeder soll wissen, was man mit Reiner Füllmich gemacht hat! 🔥🔥🔥 Did German secret services ensure that the corona critic and... (+12 linee, 743 car. tot)
ICICommittee/595 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 4.Apr.2024]
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS Wer oder was steckt hinter dem "Dossier Reiner Fuellmich"? - 2020 NEWS Presseanfrage von 2020News an das Bundeskriminalamt, den Bundesnachrichtendienst, den Bundesverfassungsschutz und das Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen. 2020news hat heute über die... (+10 linee, 592 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1414 --@CoAus ;

[4 - 3.Apr.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ PROCESSO REINER FUELLMICH Il processo contro l'avvocato Reiner Fuellmich, divenuto noto a livello internazionale per il suo lavoro nel CORONA AUSCHUSS, ha riservato una grande sorpresa nella giornata di ieri. A uno dei suoi avvocati è stato fatto pervenire un dossier che chiarisce che già dal 2021 c'erano piani per eliminarlo come potenziale minaccia. In questa operazione avrebbero dovuto essere coinvolte persone a lui vicine. Il... (+11 linee, 842 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/8899 --@NoGeoN ;

[3 - 3.Apr.2024] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Dossier_Reiner_Fuellmich tr.pdf 281.5 KB Dossier_Reiner_Fuellmich ru.pdf 292 KB Dossier_Reiner_Fuellmich pt.pdf 90.3 KB... (+47 linee, 1266 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/8900 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 2.Apr.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 12:06 [media] [v. in T] Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's new statement regarding the current situation. 📣📫 #freeReiner... (+15 linee, 565 car. tot)
ICICommittee/592 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 31.Mar.2024] V_V - 2°ch - INFO IMPORTANTI
♦ 9:49 [media] [v. in T] Clamoroso aggiornamento da Reiner Fuellmich che, grazie alle vacanze pasquali che hanno messo in pausa il tribunale, è riuscito a raccontarci dei dettagli sul suo processo e su quello che c'è dietro.... (+22 linee, 1288 car. tot)
vvincvvv/44927 --@vvincvvv ;

[3 - 30.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Neue Informationen und Erkenntnisse in Sachen Dr. Reiner Füllmich jetzt auch in griechischer Sprache. Gerne an alle Griechen oder griechisch sprachigen Menschen oder an diejenigen schicken, die griechische Freunde haben. Auch in 🇬🇷 muss alles bekannt werden. Sonnenlicht ist die beste Desinfektion ... 🌞 Danke an Sokrates für die Übersetzung! ❤️ Νέες πληροφορίες και ευρήματα για τον Dr Reiner Fuellmich τώρα καιστα... (+29 linee, 2013 car. tot)
ICICommittee/588 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 30.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Eine zusammenfassende Meinungsäußerung zu Viviane Fischers neustem Kommentar von Jiota und Alkmini jetzt auch in der griechischen Übersetzung. Gerne an alle Griechen, griechisch sprechenden Menschen oder an diejenigen weiterleiten, die griechische Freunde und/oder Bekannte haben. So können die Informationen breitflächig auch im Ausland verteilt werden, da dort ebenfalls Menschen an Dr. Reiner Füllmichs Fall und die... (+34 linee, 2465 car. tot)
ICICommittee/589 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 29.Mar.2024] Buffonate di Stato
♦ 9:49 [media] [v. in T] Clamoroso aggiornamento da Reiner Fuellmich che, grazie alle vacanze pasquali che hanno messo in pausa il tribunale, è riuscito a raccontarci dei dettagli sul suo processo e su quello che c'è dietro.... (+22 linee, 1309 car. tot)
buffonatedistato/7614 --@BdS ;

[2 - 28.Mar.2024] Nogeoingegneria
NogeoingegneriaNews/8856 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 26.Mar.2024]
♦ Liebe Freunde vom Corona-Ausschuss, lassen Sie sich keinen Sand in die Augen streuen von all den prozessbeobachtenden "Journalisten" und Privatleuten und deren teilweise intensivem Verwirrspiel um das Strafverfahren von Reiner Fuellmich. Was in einer solchen Lage hilft, ist nur ein knallharter Realitätscheck. Frage: Welche Forderungen erhebt der Corona-Ausschuss gegen Reiner Fuellmich? Antwort: Rückführung der... (+54 linee, 3870 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1410 --@CoAus ;

[2 - 24.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 9:37 [media] [v. in T] ‼️Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's statement regarding the current situation. 🎶📣‼️ #freeReiner ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️... (+14 linee, 580 car. tot)
ICICommittee/583 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 20.Mar.2024]
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS Die Hafenanwälte und der Notar - 2020 NEWS Prozessbeobachter berichten aus dem Strafverfahren gegen Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – mit Schlussbemerkungen von Viviane Fischer Inzwischen haben acht Verhandlungstage im Strafprozess gegen Dr. Reiner Fuellmich wegen des... (+9 linee, 571 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1407 --@CoAus ;

[2 - 15.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Dear friends, supporters and companions! ❤️ Gradually, the information about Reiner Füllmich's case of Socrates will be translated into Greek by SocratesTVHellas on a voluntary basis and the videos will be subtitled in Greek accordingly. In this way we can extend the radius of reporting. Please help us with this! Send the video to all Greeks, Greek-speaking... (+29 linee, 1507 car. tot)
ICICommittee/574 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 15.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Αγαπητοί φίλοι, υποστηρικτές και συνοδοιπόροι! ❤️ Σταδιακά, οι πληροφορίες για την υπόθεση του Reiner Füllmich του Σωκράτη θα μεταφράζονται στα ελληνικά από το SocratesTVHellas σε εθελοντική βάση και τα βίντεο θα υποτιτλίζονται αντίστοιχα στα ελληνικά. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο μπορούμε να διευρύνουμε την ακτίνα της ενημέρωσης. Σας παρακαλούμε να μας βοηθήσετε σε αυτό! Στείλτε το βίντεο σε όλους τους... (+29 linee, 2049 car. tot)
ICICommittee/575 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 15.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Short report Part I, day 8 of the trial on March 12_ EN.pdf 613.8 KB Here is the 1st part of the short report on the 8th day of the trial in the matter of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court. 📝🤓 Part 2 will follow soon. Thank you for your patience. ❤️ Ευχαριστούμε!... (+9 linee, 620 car. tot)
ICICommittee/576 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 15.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 3:23 [media] [v. in T] A statement by lawyer Katja Wörmer on the status quo in the case of Dr. Reiner Füllmich. #freeReiner... (+15 linee, 582 car. tot)
ICICommittee/577 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 11.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Short Report Trial Reiner Fuellmich_08032024.pdf 424.2 KB Short report of Reiner's trial for Day 7, Friday, March 8 2024 as PDF. #freeReiner ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️ @icic_law_official ... (+13 linee, 591 car. tot)
ICICommittee/571 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 9.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Dear friends of our channel, we are so happy about the cooperation of the channels StreamPunk and SokratesTvHellas! Socrates has taken it upon himself to transcribe the two audio recordings of Jiota, made of the 1st and 2nd day of the trial in the Reiner Füllmich case into Greek, using the video StreamPunk made for this purpose. We now ask all channel friends with contacts to Greeks, friends of Greece... (+25 linee, 1547 car. tot)
ICICommittee/568 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 9.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 3:21 [media] [v. in T] A statement by lawyer Katja Wörmer on the 7th day of the trial in the matter of Dr. Reiner Füllmich and the questioning of Viviane Fischer on 8.3.2024.... (+16 linee, 648 car. tot)
ICICommittee/569 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 7.Mar.2024]
♦ Es steht Reiner Fuellmich im Rahmen seiner Verteidigungsstrategie frei, in dem gegen ihn laufenden Strafverfahren seine Unschuld zu beteuern. Damit habe ich natürlich überhaupt kein Problem. Gleichzeitig ist aber nicht einzusehen, dass im Gegenteil nun mir im Rahmen der Berichterstattung über den Prozess treuwidriges Verhalten angedichtet werden soll. Auf dem Kanal von Reiner Fuellmich behauptet die Reiner Fuellmich nahestehende... (+38 linee, 2771 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1401 --@CoAus ;

[2 - 2.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Statement by lawyer Katja Wörmer on today's 5th day of the trial in the matter of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court and on the questioning of Viviane Fischer. #freeReiner [link] ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️ ... (+22 linee, 1023 car. tot)
ICICommittee/563 --@ICInvCo ;

[9 - 1.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Water level report part 1 Day 5 trial against R. Füllmich The questioning of Viviane Fischer continued during today's 5th day of the trial against Reiner Füllmich. Dr. Justus Hoffman was not present, Antonia Fischer was. There was a short interruption at around 12.00 noon because Viviane... (+22 linee, 1344 car. tot)
ICICommittee/555 --@ICInvCo ;

[7 - 1.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Water level report part 3 Customer relations, as then carried out by the Füllmichs law firm, was not necessary. At the same time, Fischer insisted on "total transparency in favor of the donors". This is why she ultimately went public, which she did not actually want to do. She had overreacted in stressful situations, her offensive on... (+17 linee, 1111 car. tot)
ICICommittee/557 --@ICInvCo ;

[6 - 1.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Water level report part 4 Under civil law, she would never have allowed the committee funds to be used to take action against Reiner Füllmich; that would not have gone down well with the donors. Up to this point, one might have had the impression that Viviane Fischer intended to give space to the truth with some decency.... (+17 linee, 1064 car. tot)
ICICommittee/558 --@ICInvCo ;

[5 - 1.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Water level report part 5 After the break, Reiner Füllmich wanted to read out a statement. The presiding judge suggested that the questioning of Viviane Fischer be continued - by him. Reiner would have the opportunity to read out the statement next Tuesday. The presiding judge confronted Viviane Fischer and Antonia Fischer with... (+18 linee, 1173 car. tot)
ICICommittee/559 --@ICInvCo ;

[3 - 1.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Water level report part 7 Fischer vehemently denied the judge's question as to whether she had financial problems, saying that she had a securities account with her husband, but it had not been serviced. Füllmich asked about her 100,000 euro loan, whether it was already gone? Yes, at the moment they are, Fischer admitted, she had made up some... (+20 linee, 1268 car. tot)
ICICommittee/561 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 1.Mar.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Water level report part 8 The judge went on to ask why she had not produced any expense claims? She had no clear answer to that. Reiner Füllmich also asked her at the time in the course of the chat to prepare expense invoices. She explained that she had never done this because legal advice should not be billed to the committee and any... (+19 linee, 1187 car. tot)
ICICommittee/562 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 29.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ [link] Substack TRIAL OF REINER FUELLMICH. DAY 3 IN DETAIL. FROM JIOTA OF ICIC. TRANSLATED BY SISSI. Teamwork!!! Jiota has brought us an excellent detailed presentation of Days 1 and 2. Now here is Day 3. Dr. Reiner Füllmich - The process. A report by Jiota.... (+10 linee, 659 car. tot)
ICICommittee/550 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 29.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Committee 1:39:52 [media] [v. in T] Injections from hell In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks with Karen Kingston, a... (+19 linee, 863 car. tot)
ICICommittee/554 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 29.Feb.2024]
♦ Am morgigen Freitag, den 1.3.2024 findet kein Ausschuss statt. Da meine Vernehmung in der Strafsache Reiner Fuellmich am vergangenen Dienstag aus zeitlichen Gründen quasi nicht durchgeführt werden konnte, findet nun morgen den ganzen Sitzungstag lang meine Vernehmung statt. Mit dem Ausschuss geht es am 8.3.2024 weiter. Viele Grüße, Viviane Fischer
Corona_Ausschuss/1398 --@CoAus ;

[2 - 28.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ It is touching, gives confidence and gives hope to see that so many people around the world stand behind Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and set an example with all kinds of creative actions to draw attention to Reiner's situation. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all our loud and silent supporters. ❤️ #freeReiner... (+16 linee, 840 car. tot)
ICICommittee/548 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 28.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 9:03 [media] [v. in T] Popup-Event zugunsten von Deutscher Anwalt Reiner Fuellmich Vor der deutschen Botschaft in Kopenhagen, Dänemark... (+13 linee, 630 car. tot)
ICICommittee/549 --@ICInvCo ;

[4 - 27.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ LG hearing 4 trial against Reiner Füllmich "Water level report" 1.55 pm Due to the fact that another lawyer, Dr. Miseré, was appointed to the defense team around Dr. Reiner Füllmich, the examination of the witness Dr. Justus Hoffmann was postponed by one hour, as the defense team Dr. Miseré and Katja Wörmer were still given... (+21 linee, 1331 car. tot)
ICICommittee/544 --@ICInvCo ;

[3 - 27.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Alkmini Laucke Metallinou [27.02.2024 17:49] "Water level report" part 2 After the lunch break, the questioning of Hoffmann's witnesses continued, with Reiner Füllmich also seeking to clarify his need for clarification by asking Hoffmann questions. It did not take long for both witnesses to become emotional and to verbally exchange blows. The presiding judge had to point out the rules for questioning witnesses. Attorney Wörmer shone... (+16 linee, 1246 car. tot)
ICICommittee/545 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 27.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Water level report" part 4 Füllmich's defense, however, insisted on questioning Antonia Fischer again in detail. Today was only a brief opportunity, but it became clear that there was still a need for clarification regarding the interaction between Hoffmann, Fischer and (!) the prosecutor.... (+17 linee, 1173 car. tot)
ICICommittee/547 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 23.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 8:16 [media] [v. in T] A quick update from Reiner Fuellmich regarding the current situation. 💡📬‼️📣 ✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️ ... (+14 linee, 566 car. tot)
ICICommittee/540 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 23.Feb.2024]
♦ Am 27.02.2024 soll es im Strafprozess gegen Reiner Fuellmich weitergehen. Ich bin für diesen Termin als Zeugin geladen. Ich war am 07.02.2024 bereits als Adhäsionsklägerin vor Ort und konnte daher Justus Hoffmann einige Fragen stellen. Der Vorgang um den Haus-Deal wird immer rätselhafter. Justus Hoffmann war offenbar sogar bei mindestens einem Notartermin mit Marcel Templin dabei, bei dem es wohl um Ansprüche aus der... (+54 linee, 3837 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1394 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 23.Feb.2024] V_V - 2°ch - INFO IMPORTANTI
♦ [link] Imprigionamento di Reiner Fuellmich!! Fino ad ora, 22 febbraio 2024 Reiner Fuellmich è considerato innocente! Finora, 22 febbraio 2024 Reiner Fuellmich non è stato condannato! Fino ad ora, 22 febbraio 2024, Reiner Fuellmich RIMANE INCARCERATO IN UNA PRIGIONE DI ALTA SICUREZZA ! Mentre il catalogo dei danni del vaccino Covid raggiunge finalmente il grande... (+23 linee, 1465 car. tot)
vvincvvv/42544 --@vvincvvv ;

[1 - 22.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ I received this as an email earlier today. It’s distressing. I can’t say I’m surprised though. Best wishes Mike Subject: OLG decision: Dr. Fuellmich remains in high security prison - OLG-Entscheidung: Dr. Fuellmich bleibt im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis... (+71 linee, 4161 car. tot)
ICICommittee/539 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 15.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ press_release_on_voluntary_renunciation_of_admission_15022024.pdf 186.6 KB ‼️Press release of the defense on the voluntary renunciation of admission‼️ Dr. Reiner Füllmich has NOT "lost" his admission as a lawyer, as has been falsely reported in various media, but has renounced it.... (+14 linee, 973 car. tot)
ICICommittee/532 --@ICInvCo ;

[4 - 13.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Legal experts and associates of Reiner Fuellmich join Maria Zeee to detail Reiner’s kidnapping, imprisonment without due process and potential government operation responsible for his situation. [link] Zeee Media - Share the truth at whatever cost. Important Update: Reiner Fuellmich – Legal Expert Panel Reveals All - Zeee... (+13 linee, 889 car. tot)
ICICommittee/528 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 6.Feb.2024]
♦ Im Strafverfahren gegen Reiner Fuellmich sollen nun zeitnah Justus Hoffmann und Antonia Fischer vernommen werden. Diese sind als sog. Adhäsionskläger im Verfahren zugelassen. Das bedeutet, dass sie eine zivilrechtliche Rückzahlungsklage gegen Reiner Fuellmich im Strafverfahren anhängig gemacht haben. Eine Kopie der Klageschrift unserer gemeinsamen Gesellschaft haben mir die beiden trotz mehrfacher Aufforderung nicht... (+25 linee, 1947 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1376 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 3.Feb.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Nachricht von Reiner Fuellmich von 2.2.2024 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪 Deutsch 👉 [link] ******************* Message from Reiner Fuellmich from 2.2.2024... (+17 linee, 668 car. tot)
ICICommittee/520 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 6.Jan.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Committee 1:28:07 [media] [v. in T] Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dagmar Schoen speak with Cathy O'Brien, a survivor of the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control program, to which she was sold... (+22 linee, 1372 car. tot)
ICICommittee/491 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 3.Jan.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 👇📝💌💥 PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM REINER FUELLMICH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR DATED 3.1.2024! 👇📝💌💥 #Courage #confidence #justice ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴... (+14 linee, 573 car. tot)
ICICommittee/484 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 3.Jan.2024] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 👇📝💌💥 PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM REINER FUELLMICH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR 👇📝💌💥 Rosdorf, 03.01.2024 Dear friends, supporters and companions! ❤️ I wish everyone a Happy New Year and assure everyone that I will continue. We will not let up with our educational work and the subsequent legal... (+53 linee, 2805 car. tot)
ICICommittee/485 --@ICInvCo ;

[6 - 30.Dec.2023] Robin Monotti + Cory Morningstar
♦ I admit I was very critical towards many people, especially of Rainer Fuellmich and also Robert Malone (and partly Mike Yeadon, due to his connection to Fuellmich). My suspicions about Fuellmich were totally confirmed, and I shared my analysis publicly. What he did was a shame, however, it is not clear yet whether he was CO or just an opportunist. Anyway, there were many rumors about Malone, also shared in that group;... (+74 linee, 4410 car. tot)
robinmg/33205 --@robinmg ;

[1 - 27.Dec.2023]
♦ Lieber Zuschauer, leider muss wieder etwas richtiggestellt werden: Reiner Fuellmich behauptet in seiner Pressemitteilung vom 22.12.2023 u.a., dass seine Kanzlei im Rahmen der € 29.750 brutto pro Monat das Gästemanagement für den Ausschuss gemacht habe. Das entspricht nicht der Realität. Der Zeitaufwand für die Gästeorganisation liegt bei 10-30 Stunden im Monat für eine Person. Ich weiss das aus eigener Anschauung, weil ich es war, die... (+24 linee, 1857 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1341 --@CoAus ;

[3 - 24.Dec.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ EN Press Release Reiner Fuellmich 22.12.2023.pdf 77.1 KB Official Press Release. Please share. Thank you. ❤️
ICICommittee/474 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 22.Dec.2023]
♦ Liebe Zuschauer, in der ursprünglichen Corona-Ausschuss-Gesellschaft spielen sich derzeit unglaubliche Dinge ab. In einem 2020News-Artikel hatte ich Zweifel an der Rechtmässigkeit der Auszahlung von fast € 600.000 aus dem Verkaufserlös des Hauses von Reiner Fuellmich an den Hafenanwälte-Sozius Marcel Templin geäußert. Der Transaktion scheint ein geheimer Vergleich mit dem Käufer zugrundeliegen. Reiner Fuellmich... (+62 linee, 4550 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1335 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 14.Dec.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Committee 58:00 [media] [v. in T] 9/11, UFO False Flags & Free Energy – Part 3 In this third and final episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and British... (+21 linee, 1018 car. tot)
ICICommittee/472 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 12.Dec.2023]
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS Die Botschaft von Reiner Fuellmich aus der JVA - 2020 NEWS Mit Klarstellungen und Ergänzungen von Viviane Fischer Bei Roger Bittel wurde am 10. Dezember 2023 die Tonkonserve einer angabegemäss inhaltlich von Reiner Fuellmich stammenden Nachricht abgespielt. Vorgelesen wurde der... (+9 linee, 578 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1324 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 11.Dec.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Committee 1:08:56 [media] [v. in T] MP Andrew Bridgen – Last Man Standing In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Prof. Joseph Molitorisz,... (+21 linee, 1059 car. tot)
ICICommittee/469 --@ICInvCo ;

[2 - 6.Dec.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ "The Truth" - Personal statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Part 1 THANK YOU to all of you out there! Dear friends, comrades-in-arms and fellow human beings interested in the truth, for the first time after 6 weeks in custody I would like to personally and deeply thank everyone who has written to me. There are thousands and I read everything. ❤️🙏❤️ The trust in my seriousness as a lawyer and founder of the Corona... (+43 linee, 2727 car. tot)
ICICommittee/461 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 1.Dec.2023]
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS Corona-Ausschuss: Karten auf den Tisch - 2020 NEWS Eine Stellungnahme von Rechtsanwältin Viviane Fischer Der Mitgründer des Corona-Ausschusses Rechtsanwalt Dr. Reiner Fuellmich ist am 13.10.2023 wegen des Vorwurfs, Ausschuss-Gelder in Höhe von € 700.000 veruntreut zu... (+9 linee, 570 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1317 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 28.Nov.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 6:52 [media] [v. in T] A very touching message from Inka Fuellmich about the day of Reiner's arrest and her experience. Please share wide and far! #neverforget... (+16 linee, 573 car. tot)
ICICommittee/452 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 4.Nov.2023]
♦ Eine wichtige Richtigstellung von Uwe Lose, der eine tatsächlich sehr leicht fehldeutbare Formulierung von t-online falsch verstanden hatte: Es gibt keinen Vorwurf, dass Reiner Fuellmich bei der Partei dieBasis Gelder veruntreut haben könnte. Gleiches gilt in Bezug auf meine Person. Ich habe den Eindruck, dass sich jetzt immer mehr Menschen im alternativen Bereich darum bemühen, missverständliche oder unzutreffende Berichterstattung zu... (+33 linee, 2279 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1301 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 29.Oct.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 20 Uhr - Sonntag, 29.10.2023 LIVE Update - Reiner Fuellmich Dlive [link] VK... (+19 linee, 499 car. tot)
ICICommittee/427 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 29.Oct.2023]
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS Ist Reiner Fuellmich böswillig getäuscht worden? - 2020 NEWS Eine Bericht von Viviane Fischer Elsa Schieder aus San Francisco ist Gründerin des „Truth Summit“. Unter dem Motto „Dann sollt Ihr die Wahrheit kennen und die Wahrheit wird Euch freimachen“ hat sie in 2023 bereits... (+9 linee, 585 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1294 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 29.Oct.2023] Corona Investigative Committee 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS Has Reiner Fuellmich been maliciously deceived? - 2020 NEWS A report by Viviane Fischer Elsa Schieder from San Francisco is the founder of the “Truth Summit”. Under the motto “Then You Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Set You Free” she has already held a Zoom... (+9 linee, 677 car. tot)
CoronaInvestigativeCommittee/351 --@CoInvCo ;

[2 - 25.Oct.2023]
♦ [link] FASSADENKRATZER Gegendarstellung Viviane Fischers zum Artikel über die Verhaftung von Dr. Fuellmich Nachfolgend veröffentliche ich eine Gegendarstellung von Rechtsanwältin Viviane Fischer vom „Corona-Ausschuss“ zu meinem Artikel „Schuss von... (+9 linee, 548 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1291 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 25.Oct.2023]
♦ Liebe Zuschauer, ich möchte noch einmal an das kluge Wort von Prof. Martin Schwab anlässlich der Verhaftung von Reiner Fuellmich erinnern: „Weder sollte Reiner vorverurteilt werden, noch sollten jene vorverurteilt werden, die ihn angezeigt haben. Und auch die Staatsanwaltschaft sollte nicht vorschnell bezichtigt werden, politische Verfolgung auszuüben.“ Wenn wir uns auf diese Herangehensweise verständigen können, sehe ich für eine... (+37 linee, 2693 car. tot)
Corona_Ausschuss/1292 --@CoAus ;

[1 - 21.Oct.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 20 Uhr - Sonntag, 22.10.2023 LIVE Update - Reiner Fuellmich Dlive [link] VK... (+19 linee, 499 car. tot)
ICICommittee/423 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 22.Oct.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ ‼️New bank details - donation account:‼️ The previous account is no longer used and will be closed. Due to the arrest of Reiner Füllmich we have opened a donation account for him. Especially to be able to cover the expected costs of the trial, but also running costs (website, email server etc.). Therefore it is important to indicate a purpose of use, e.g. "costs... (+21 linee, 1257 car. tot)
ICICommittee/425 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 20.Oct.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Dear friends, supporters and companions! ❤️ There are no words for the overwhelming, motivating encouragement for and the numerous messages in word, writing and picture to Reiner Füllmich! ❤️❤️❤️ We read every message and will deliver them, so that Reiner can also feel this positivity and your attachment to him. 💥 🍀... (+19 linee, 1087 car. tot)
ICICommittee/421 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 20.Oct.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 💥 ATTENTION💥 ‼️NEW bank details - Donation account:‼️ Due to the arrest of Reiner Füllmich, a donation account has been set up. It's to cover the costs of the proceedings and to establish a level playing field between the defense and the prosecution. ❌The previous account will NOT be used from now on!❌.... (+20 linee, 1361 car. tot)
ICICommittee/422 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 19.Oct.2023] Buffonate di Stato
♦ 1:59 [media] [v. in T] Il 13 Ottobre 2023 Reiner Fuellmich, mentre cercava di rinnovare il passaporto, è stato arrestato presso un'Ambasciata in Messico e scortato in Germania.... (+23 linee, 1305 car. tot)
buffonatedistato/6921 --@BdS ;

[1 - 18.Oct.2023] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Reiner Fuellmich libero! Di Peter Koenig Global Research, 18 ottobre 2023 Il noto avvocato Dr. Reiner Fuellmich , fondatore del Comitato investigativo internazionale sul crimine (ICIC), ex Commissione tedesca Corona, è stato deportato giovedì scorso, 12 ottobre, da Città del Messico in Germania, per essere arrestato per presunte... (+25 linee, 1719 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/7430 --@NoGeoN ;

[7 - 18.Oct.2023] COVID Uncensored
♦ Reiner Fuellmich seized by German government in Mexico "reportedly now sitting in a jail in Frankfurt" "UPDATE: When he entered the embassy on Friday, there were six men waiting to detain him..... The charges are related to allegations of Viviane Fischer, a former team member of Fuellmich’s on the Corona Committee, who accused him of... (+19 linee, 1145 car. tot)
UncensoredCovid/19066 --@UnCo ;

[1 - 18.Oct.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ Dear friends, companions and supporters! 😍 Reiner Füllmich's editorial team would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your interest in his important work, for your support and for your loyalty. ❤️ We will continue to fill Reiner's channels during his absence with important information from global world events and with his interviews... (+21 linee, 1123 car. tot)
ICICommittee/419 --@ICInvCo ;

[4 - 17.Oct.2023] V_V - 2°ch - INFO IMPORTANTI
♦ ⭕️⭕️⭕️ L' AVVOCATO R.FUELLMICH CHE SI È BATTUTO IN QUESTI TRE ANNI CONTRO LA FAKE del CORONA VIRUS È STATO ARRSTATO ALL' AEROPORTO DI FRANCOFORTE ‼️‼️‼️ ".... Il rinomato avvocato Dr.Reiner Fuellmich è in custodia preventiva. In Messico gli è stato levato il passaporto per problemi di Visto ed è stato rinviato in Germania. LÌ all'aeroporto di Francoforte è stato... (+19 linee, 1146 car. tot)
vvincvvv/35399 --@vvincvvv ;

[3 - 17.Oct.2023] V_V - 2°ch - INFO IMPORTANTI
♦ [link] Telegram ✨️SOULS IN ACTION - SIA✨️ Mit dem Corona-Untersuchungsausschuss wurde Dr. Rainer Fuellmich im Corona-Widerstand schnell bekannt. Nachdem es zu Streitigkeiten mit den anderen Mitgliedern gekommen war, zerfiel der Ausschuss. Aus den Reihen... (+9 linee, 520 car. tot)
vvincvvv/35400 --@vvincvvv ;

[2 - 17.Oct.2023] V_V - 2°ch - INFO IMPORTANTI
♦ geoingegneria VIETATE !! - AGGIORNAMENTO sull'ARRESTO DI REINER FUELLMICH ELSA, 15 OTT 2023 - Come è stato arrestato Reiner Fuellmich a Francoforte? Cosa stava facendo a Francoforte? - Ho ascoltato la trasmissione in diretta di Dagmar Schoen su In... (+47 linee, 2818 car. tot)
vvincvvv/35401 --@vvincvvv ;

[1 - 17.Oct.2023] MITTDOLCINO.COM Channel
♦ Pazzesco ! I tedeschi hanno arrestato il dr. Fuellmich!!! Uno che ha indicato precisamente il funzionamento del cd. vaccini mRNA Vogliono depopolare, è chiaro [link] The Expose... (+12 linee, 640 car. tot)
mittdolcino/21602 --@mittdolcino ;

[3 - 16.Oct.2023] V_V
♦ ⭕️⭕️⭕️ L' AVVOCATO R.FUELLMICH CHE SI È BATTUTO IN QUESTI TRE ANNI CONTRO LA FAKE del CORONA VIRUS È STATO ARRSTATO ALL' AEROPORTO DI FRANCOFORTE ‼️‼️‼️ ".... Il rinomato avvocato Dr.Reiner Fuellmich è in custodia preventiva. In Messico gli è stato levato il passaporto per problemi di Visto ed è stato rinviato in Germania. LÌ all'aeroporto di Francoforte è stato... (+19 linee, 1120 car. tot)
vvvvvinc/32551 --@vvvvvinc ;

[2 - 16.Oct.2023] V_V
♦ [link] Telegram ✨️SOULS IN ACTION - SIA✨️ Mit dem Corona-Untersuchungsausschuss wurde Dr. Rainer Fuellmich im Corona-Widerstand schnell bekannt. Nachdem es zu Streitigkeiten mit den anderen Mitgliedern gekommen war, zerfiel der Ausschuss. Aus den Reihen... (+9 linee, 494 car. tot)
vvvvvinc/32552 --@vvvvvinc ;

[1 - 16.Oct.2023] V_V
♦ geoingegneria VIETATE !! - AGGIORNAMENTO sull'ARRESTO DI REINER FUELLMICH ELSA, 15 OTT 2023 - Come è stato arrestato Reiner Fuellmich a Francoforte? Cosa stava facendo a Francoforte? - Ho ascoltato la trasmissione in diretta di Dagmar Schoen su In... (+47 linee, 2792 car. tot)
vvvvvinc/32553 --@vvvvvinc ;

[3 - 16.Oct.2023] Nogeoingegneria
♦ L'avvocato Reiner Fuellmich è stato espulso dal Messico perché non gli era stato concesso il visto. Fuellmich vive in Messico da diversi mesi, mentre sua moglie ha ottenuto il visto. Fuellmich è stato caricato su un aereo e trasportato a Francoforte, dove la polizia lo stava aspettando con un mandato di arresto. Fuellmich è ora in carcere. Altre notizie in seguito Byoblu aveva intervistato l'avvocato.... (+16 linee, 1127 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/7395 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 16.Oct.2023] Nogeoingegneria
♦ Nogeoingegneria L'avvocato Reiner Fuellmich è stato espulso dal Messico perché non gli era stato concesso il visto. Fuellmich vive in Messico da diversi mesi, mentre sua moglie ha ottenuto il visto. Fuellmich è stato caricato su un aereo e trasportato a Francoforte, dove… Pagina di Reiner Fuellmich... (+13 linee, 784 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/7397 --@NoGeoN ;

[3 - 16.Oct.2023] COVID Uncensored
♦ BREAKING: Reiner Fuellmich Taken From German Embassy In Mexico On Passport Errand, Flown To Frankfurt and Arrested "Reiner was arrested. He had nothing with him, only the clothes he was wearing. No toothbrush, even. A warrant for his arrest had been issued in March. A second warrant was issued in May. One was from Germany and the other from the EU. Obviously... (+15 linee, 903 car. tot)
UncensoredCovid/19058 --@UnCo ;

[1 - 16.Oct.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 💥Was ist der Fehler im System?💥 Ist Dr. Reiner Füllmich ein einfacher Straftäter, der seine Geschäftspartner betrogen hat und deswegen jetzt (aus immanenter Sicht) zu Recht in Untersuchungshaft sitzt? Ich weiß es nicht. Ich kenne weder die Akten noch habe ich mit einem der Beteiligten über den Streit gesprochen.... (+73 linee, 3928 car. tot)
ICICommittee/413 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 16.Oct.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ 2:13 [media] [v. in T] Post für Reiner Fuellmich Kurzes Informationsvideo betreffend Briefe und Postkarten an Reiner Fuellmich... (+19 linee, 722 car. tot)
ICICommittee/415 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 15.Oct.2023] ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee
♦ BREAKING NEWS Reiner Fuellmich in U-Haft Alle Informationen um 20 Uhr - LIVE Dlive [link] VK... (+19 linee, 516 car. tot)
ICICommittee/409 --@ICInvCo ;

[1 - 12.Jul.2023] Corona Investigative Committee 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺
♦ Reiner Fuellmich loses law suit at the Berlin Regional Court. Reiner Fuellmich wanted to forbid me from telling the truth. Among other things, I should not be allowed to say that he has not paid back € 700,000 in donations to the committee to date. Contrary to his assertion, the stored assets cannot be collected and utilized without his personal presence in Berlin and his further involvement, and are thus not available... (+24 linee, 1852 car. tot)
CoronaInvestigativeCommittee/349 --@CoInvCo ;

[2 - 8.Jul.2023] Renate Holzeisen
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS The Māori Tribunal of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - revisited - 2020 NEWS An article by Attorney at Law Viviane Fischer dated June 15, 2023 – revised and amended in italics on July 3, 2023. The addition relates primarily to the path of legal action in New Zealand now concretized by... (+9 linee, 578 car. tot)
renateholzeisen/14076 --@ReHolz ;

[1 - 8.Jul.2023] Renate Holzeisen
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS Das Māori-Tribunal des Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - revisited - 2020 NEWS Ein Beitrag von Rechtsanwältin Viviane Fischer vom 15. Juni 2023 – überarbeitet und in kursiver Schrift ergänzt am 6. Juli 2023. Die Ergänzung bezieht sich vor allem auf den von Rechtsanwalt Dr. Reiner... (+9 linee, 589 car. tot)
renateholzeisen/14077 --@ReHolz ;

[5 - 7.Jul.2023] Nogeoingegneria
♦ CHI COMMANDA IL MONDO In una presentazione in due parti per il Comitato Investigativo sui Crimini Internazionali ("ICIC"), Matthew Ehret, giornalista, docente e fondatore della Canadian Patriot Review, ha parlato con il dottor Reiner Fuellmich della struttura dell'oligarchismo moderno, risalendo agli inizi geopoliticamente rilevanti di un conglomerato dominante a livello globale che si è infiltrato in tutte le strutture... (+11 linee, 822 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/6564 --@NoGeoN ;

[1 - 6.Jul.2023] Corona Investigative Committee 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺
♦ Dear viewers, many of you are probably aware that Reiner Fuellmich is under criminal investigation because of the financial issues in the Corona Investigative Committee. In this context, the Göttingen public prosecutor's office has also investigated whether I could possibly be involved. I now have it in black and white: there is NO suspicion that I committed a crime - the investigation has therefore been discontinued in... (+27 linee, 2106 car. tot)
CoronaInvestigativeCommittee/347 --@CoInvCo ;

[3 - 15.Jun.2023] Renate Holzeisen
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS Das Māori-Tribunal des Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 2020 NEWS Ein Beitrag von Rechtsanwältin Viviane Fischer Rechtsanwalt Dr. Reiner Fuellmich verkündet seit einigen Wochen, dass es bald in Neuseeland zu einem Gerichtsverfahren kommt, das das Corona-Kartenhaus einstürzen lassen... (+9 linee, 581 car. tot)
renateholzeisen/13805 --@ReHolz ;

[1 - 15.Jun.2023] Corona Investigative Committee 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺
♦ [link] 2020 NEWS The Māori Tribunal of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 2020 NEWS A contribution by attorney Viviane Fischer Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has been claiming for several weeks now that there will soon be a court case in New Zealand that will bring down the Corona house of cards. The... (+9 linee, 664 car. tot)
CoronaInvestigativeCommittee/345 --@CoInvCo ;

[6 - 3.Jun.2023] Nogeoingegneria
♦ [link]RumbleMAORI vs. PLANDEMIC - With Dr Reiner FuellmichSomething will happen in New Zealand, that could impact the world... Aninternational team of attorneys and scientists joined with the indigenousMaori people of New Zealand. They will start legal pro
NogeoingegneriaNews/6291 --@NoGeoN ;

[9]|World Council for Health
♦📣 SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT: Dr Reiner Fuellmich to Join Better Way ConferenceWe are delighted to announce that Dr Reiner Fuellmich will share the stagewith 50+ featured speakers at the Better Way Conference next month in thehistoric city of Bath, UK.🎟 Join us: BetterWayConference.orgReiner Fuellmich is an international trial lawyer who has successfully... (+16 linee, 975 car. tot)
wch_org/3439 --@wch_org ;

♦Il Dr. Reiner Fuellmich del Comitato Investigativo sui CriminiInternazionali parla del tentativo dell'Organizzazione Mondiale dellaSanità di impadronirsi delle sovranità nazionali con James Roguski,attivista dichiarato, il Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, professore emerito diEconomia, e Matthew Ehret, giornalista e scrittore.
NogeoingegneriaNews/5644 -- @NogeoingegneriaNews ;

♦Forwarded from Global ResearchVideo: Towards WHO Totalitarianism? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich with Prof. MichelChossudovsky, James Roguski and Matthew EhretDr. Reiner Fuellmich on International Crimes Investigative Committee talksabout the World Health Organization’s attempt to take over nationalsovereignties with James Roguski, an outspoken activist; Prof. Michel... (+12 linee, 885 car. tot)
NogeoingegneriaNews/5645 -- @NogeoingegneriaNews ;